Atlantic Veterinary Hospital Pet Care Corner
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Pet Care Corner
Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital team.
Automatic Cat Feeders: Pros, Cons, and Recommendations
In the movies, Garfield the cat, the overly plump feline who’s always in search of food and adventure, is great for a laugh. In the real world, however, obesity in cats leads to unhealthiness, illness, and even death....
Preventing Urinary Blockage in Cats
By Bubba the CatPublic Relations Officer We’ve had a run of “blocked” cats recently, so I wanted to tell you more about it so you can save my kitty colleagues—and your wallet—a great deal of pain. Urinary blockages occur almost exclusively male cats...
What Attracted You to Your Pet?
I've often wondered why we prefer the pets (mixed or purebred) that we do. Unless a pet chooses us (which happens often enough), what is it that attracts someone to a pocket-sized Yorkie, a bouncy French Bulldog, or a huge, fluffy Newfoundland? Do you...
Proper ID for Your Pet: Even More Important While Traveling
“Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey,” was a cute Disney movie about three lost pets traveling across country and arriving home. Sadly, that's not reality. Losing your pet can be a traumatic and sometimes tragic...
5 Disaster-Preparedness Tips for Pet Owners
Sixty-three percent of Americans have a feline friend, canine companion, or other type of pet, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association. When disaster strikes, pets are often lost or have no place to stay if owners must move to a shelter...
ACL Injuries in Dogs and Cats
ACL – three little letters that can make even a 350-pound linebacker tremble. The ACL, or anterior cruciate ligament, is one of two essential stabilizing ligaments that cross over one another inside the knee joint. Instability in the knee causes pain...
Why is My Cat Drinking More Water Than Usual?
Like us, cats drink water because they’re thirsty. One of the most important things to consider when caring for your kitty is her water consumption. Depending on the breed, the amount of water a cat needs can vary greatly. On average, cats drink between...
When Can My Puppy Go Running with Me?
“Hey Doc, when can I run with my puppy?” Veterinarians get this question a lot. The answer: It depends. While vets are huge fans of regular exercise for dogs’ emotional and physical health, we recommend holding off running with a dog until its...
The Dangers of Dental Disease in Dogs and Cats, and How to Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Healthy
Dental disease is a serious problem for both dogs and cats. Unfortunately, it’s an issue that pet parents often overlook. Left untreated, dental disease can cause pain and discomfort, and can even lead to more serious health problems. In this article,...
11 Ways to Volunteer to Help Shelter Pets
“I wanted to be a vet when I was a kid.” Not a day goes by when I don’t hear that sentiment. It warms my heart to interact daily with people who love animals, no matter what their role. But it warms my soul down to my toes when people volunteer their...
5 Reasons Your Pet Must Receive the Rabies Vaccine
One of my neighbors was going for a walk last week when a large, scruffy, very pregnant dog came out of nowhere and bit her leg. She reported the incident to Animal Control and warned her neighbors, who compared notes to see if they could determine...
9 Human Medications Dangerous to Dogs
When your dog is feeling uncomfortable and is obviously in pain, it’s tempting to give her an over-the-counter human medication. But instead of helping her feel better, human meds can cause a great deal of harm to your pup, and may even result in a...