Atlantic Veterinary Hospital Pet Care Corner

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Pet Care Corner

Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital team.

Five playful kittens sitting on green grass

10 Tips for Adopting a Cat

Warmer temps and sunnier days mean the start of kitten season. Momma cats can have two litters a year, and their first litter often has litters of their own within those 12 months. It’s a situation that repeats itself every year. While kittens are...

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A close-up view of golden wheat plants

Foxtail Seeds Cause Painful Infections in Dogs and Cats

During the past week, we’ve seen eight dogs with foxtail awns lodged between their toes. The seeds act like a large splinter that a body considers “foreign,” causing a very painful and infected abscess. Dogs come to see us limping, licking their feet,...

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A woman relaxes on a couch, accompanied by a dog and a cat

The G-I-F-T: How to Write a Loving Tribute to Your Pet

Part 5 in our 5-part series on pet loss Part 1: How to Emotionally Prepare for the Death of a Pet Part 2: Helping Family Members Grieve the Death of a Pet Part 3: Healthy, Healing Ways to Cope with Pet Loss Part 4: 6 Practical Ways to Support a Friend...

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Woman hugging her dog on the porch

6 Practical Ways to Support a Friend Who Has Lost a Pet

Part 4 in our 5-part series on pet loss Part 1: How to Emotionally Prepare for the Death of a Pet Part 2: Helping Family Members Grieve the Death of a Pet Part 3: Healthy, Healing Ways to Cope with Pet Loss Your best friend just lost a pet she’d raised...

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Woman and young boy holding a white cat with affection

Healthy, Healing Ways to Cope with Pet Loss

Part 3 in our 5-part series on pet loss Part 1: How to Emotionally Prepare for the Death of a Pet Part 2: Helping Family Members Grieve the Death of a Pet After the death of a pet, it’s normal to experience emotions related to the process of grieving,...

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Happy family bonding with their cat in a cozy living room

Helping Family Members Grieve the Death of a Pet

Part 2 in our 5-part series on pet loss Part 1: How to Emotionally Prepare for the Death of a Pet Losing a pet is heartbreaking for everyone in the family – for adults, children, and even for other pets. Helping Children Prepare for the Death of a Pet...

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Woman relaxing on a couch with three playful dogs

How to Emotionally Prepare for the Death of a Pet

(Part 1 in our 5-part series on pet loss) We’d like to think our furry family members will live forever. But pet loss can occur at any time—in a tragic instant or over a period of time due to an extended illness. Whether we’ve had our pet for a few days...

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Two cats are lying on the table

5 Steps to Introducing a New Kitten to Your Resident Cat

“My cat wants a kitten to play with!” Well… maybe. While your resident cat may be laid back and good-natured, all cats are territorial. Adding a tiny, frisky fluffball may trigger panic, jealousy, moodiness, aggression, and other negative behaviors in...

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A large black and white dog with red eyes resting comfortably on the ground

Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Red?

The causes of red, inflamed eyes in dogs vary considerably, from mild allergies to sight-robbing health conditions, to serious systemic infections. Red eyes can be a symptom of a serious systemic disease, so a complete physical exam and sometimes...

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Dog resting on a luxurious leather chair

Pet Doesn’t Like to Travel? Let Us Come to You!

Does your pet get anxious when traveling to the vet? Does he have a medical condition that makes him difficult to transport? Do you have young kids at home, and don’t want to find a sitter for them while you take your pet to the vet? Or maybe you just...

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