Atlantic Veterinary Hospital Pet Care Corner

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Pet Care Corner

Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital team.

11 Ways to Volunteer to Help Shelter Pets

11 Ways to Volunteer to Help Shelter Pets

“I wanted to be a vet when I was a kid.” Not a day goes by when I don’t hear that sentiment. It warms my heart to interact daily with people who love animals, no matter what their role. But it warms my soul down to my toes when people volunteer their...

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5 Reasons Your Pet Must Receive the Rabies Vaccine

5 Reasons Your Pet Must Receive the Rabies Vaccine

One of my neighbors was going for a walk last week when a large, scruffy, very pregnant dog came out of nowhere and bit her leg. She reported the incident to Animal Control and warned her neighbors, who compared notes to see if they could determine...

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9 Human Medications Dangerous to Dogs

9 Human Medications Dangerous to Dogs

When your dog is feeling uncomfortable and is obviously in pain, it’s tempting to give her an over-the-counter human medication. But instead of helping her feel better, human meds can cause a great deal of harm to your pup, and may even result in a...

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Creative Ways to Protect Your Outdoor Cat

Creative Ways to Protect Your Outdoor Cat

Should you allow your cat to roam outdoors? It’s a decision that requires careful consideration, particularly since cats aren’t native to North America, and it can be dangerous out there. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of allowing your...

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Dog Sharing: Is Co-Ownership Right for You?

Dog Sharing: Is Co-Ownership Right for You?

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Caring is Sharing.” But when it comes to pets, is that really practical? While connecting with pets helps us stay connected to our humanity, pet ownership can be challenging and costly. That’s one reason why pet sharing is...

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Vaccinate Your Dog Against Canine Flu

Vaccinate Your Dog Against Canine Flu

We’re not aware of any current outbreaks of canine influenza virus (CIV or “dog flu”) in Seattle yet this year. But, with the holidays almost upon us and many more people traveling with pets, be aware of the hotspots throughout the U.S. California,...

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Smoky Air May Cause Asthma-like Symptoms in Your Pet

Smoky Air May Cause Asthma-like Symptoms in Your Pet

The smoke in our air from wildfires creates magnificent sunrises and sunsets, but it can bother cats and dogs. We've seen more pets with asthma-like symptoms in the past few weeks. Pets' reactions to smoke are similar to what is seen in humans; their...

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