When is a cat considered a senior?

According to Pet Health Network’s feline age chart, a 4-year-old cat is considered to be equivalent to a 26-year-old human being. The process slows down after that.

Beginning at around age 9, a cat reaches senior status (the presumed equivalent of a 52-year-old human). At age 14, a cat is considered to be geriatric.

As cats age, they’re prone to some of the same conditions aging humans face:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Organ failure
  • Cancer
  • Arthritis and cognitive disorders

At Atlantic Veterinary Hospital, we offer Adult Pet Wellness Plans. These include yearly or senior wellness checkups, vaccinations, intestinal parasite screening, and routine wellness laboratory screenings at a significant discount to you.

A cat extending its tongue to lick its fur, showcasing its grooming behavior in a playful manner

For your senior cat, we recommend:

  • Twice yearly thorough physical exam, including oral health and mobility assessments
  • Intestinal parasite screening, at least once a year
  • Vaccines tailored to your pet’s lifestyle, health & environment
  • Comprehensive parasite preventive (internal & external)
  • Blood pressure screening and senior laboratory assessment

Give Atlantic Veterinary Hospital a call to schedule a wellness exam for your senior cat: 206-323-4433