We’d prefer your cats are curled up at your feet on a cold winter night, but not all cats want to or are able to live indoors.

Here are some creative ideas for keeping outdoor cats (owned and feral) cozy in winter.

A cat is stepping out of house

Outdoor Housing

Outdoor cats appreciate a warm place to curl up at night. This insulated cat shelter (pictured above) from K&H Pet Products is perfect for cats who sleep on porches and in garages or barns.

A cat in insulated cat shelter

The shelter features a heated bed and two exits with removable clear door flaps to protect kitty from the elements.

Microwaveable Heating Pads

A cat is lying on snugglesafe pad

Snugglesafe microwaveable heating pad for petSnuggleSafe Heat Pads are a wonderful means of providing warmth on a cold night without the worry of electrical cords.

They’re used in veterinary hospitals, as well, to keep warm our recovering, young, and geriatric patients.

After microwaving the Frisbee-size disk per the manufacturer’s specific instructions, they provide warmth for 6-8 hours, sans cord.

Help Stop the Spread of Feral Cats

All cats, whether feral or owned, need to be spayed or neutered to help prevent the sad perpetuation of the feral cat problem in the United States.

Feeding unaltered cats, while noble, contributes to the birth of more feral kittens.

Trap/neuter/release programs, such as the Feral Cat Spay/Neuter Project, provide a safe, no-cost or low-cost means of altering free-roaming and tame/pet cats. These programs help thousands of cats every year.