Hospice Care

Deciding when it’s time to say goodbye to a companion is one of the most difficult situations a pet owner will ever encounter. Don’t face this struggle alone; our compassionate team is here to support you and your pet as best as we possibly can.

Dog lying on a grass

Hospice Care

Part of loving and caring for our pets is letting them go when their time on Earth is done. Some pets leave us suddenly, allowing no time for planning, while others gradually decline.

Knowing how and when to let your pet go is a difficult, loving, courageous decision, but it may be a little easier to make if we’ve talked about it in the early stages of your pet’s terminal illness.

Our doctors and staff are pet lovers and we’ve all lost beloved furry family members ourselves. When you need to discuss your pet’s end-of-life care, please make a consultation appointment with one of our doctors. You may choose to bring your pet to this appointment or come alone.

We can offer advice on pain management for your pet, how to talk to family members, your choices regarding end-of-life care, and refer you to grief counseling services if needed.

House Call Euthanasia

We offer house-call euthanasia to clients in our immediate area if our schedule allows us to be away from the hospital. A house call is a private and peaceful way to spend those last quiet moments when saying goodbye to a beloved pet.

Euthanasia can also be performed at the hospital. To schedule compassionate end-of-life care for your pet, phone Atlantic Veterinary Hospital, (206) 323-4433 or email us.

“If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”
– Dr. James Herriott (Scottish veterinarian and author, 1916-1995)