We’re taking extra precautions to care for your pets during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing concierge curbside service. All of our regular wellness, surgical, and illness-care services are available.

However, due to state requirements for social distancing, and to reduce the possible transmission of coronavirus disease, human clients are not allowed in the hospital.

How Concierge Curbside Service Works

  1. Complete all necessary online intake forms before your appointment time.
  2. You and your pet arrive in our parking lot and remain in your vehicle.
  3. Text us from the parking lot: 206-323-4433.
  4. Our staff will escort your pet into the hospital while you remain in our parking lot.
  5. Our staff and doctors will communicate with you via airVet virtual visit or  phone, provide care for your pet, and then return your pet to your vehicle. Please be prepared to answer the doctor’s call while you are waiting in your car.
  6. Payment can be collected via a hands-free device in our parking lot.

Important Notes

  • Cats and tiny dogs must be in a carrier.
  • We’ll provide our own leash for larger dogs.
  • Refills for medication and prescription diets will also be delivered to your car.

FAQ About Pets and COVID-19

Two cats lounging on the hood of a car, enjoying the warmth of the sun

Q: Can pets get COVID-19?

A: To date, two cats and one dog nationwide have been diagnosed with COVID-19, out of the many thousands who have been tested.

Q: Can I get COVID-19 from my pets?

According to the CDC, “there is no reason at this time to think that any animals, including pets, in the United States might be a source of infection with this new coronavirus that causes COVID-19. Pets have other types of coronaviruses that can make them sick, like canine and feline coronaviruses. These other coronaviruses cannot infect people and are not related to the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Q: Should I avoid contact with pets or other animals if I am ill with COVID-19?

A: Yes. If you are ill with COVID-19 (either suspected or confirmed), avoid contact with pets and other animals, just as you would around other people.

Have another member of your household take care of walking, feeding, and playing with your pet.

According to the AVMA, “if you have a service animal or you must care for your pet, then wear a facemask; don’t share food, kiss, or hug them; and wash your hands before and after any contact with your pet or service animal. You should not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups, eating utensils, towels, or bedding with other people or pets in your home.”

Q: If I have symptoms of COVID-19 and my pet needs veterinary care, should I bring my pet to the veterinary hospital?

A: If you are symptomatic, please stay home unless seeking medical care for yourself. If your pet needs medical attention, contact a local public health official. This individual can then consult with local veterinarians to discern how to provide care for your pet while minimizing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 to others. If you aren’t sure whether your pet needs to be seen, call Atlantic Veterinary Hospital at 206-323-4433.

Q: Should I wash my hands before and after interacting with my pet?

A: Yes; always! Animals can spread diseases other than COVID-19 to people; hand-washing helps minimize the spread of any germs or diseases. Always practice good pet hygiene and clean up after pets properly.

Where to Find Accurate Information About COVID-19 and Pets

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)

COVID-19 Advice and Resources,” World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA)

Animals and Coronavirus Disease 2019,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Healthy Pets, Healthy People

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 

World Health Organization (WHO)

15 Days to Slow the Spread” – Whitehouse.gov