Should you allow your cat to roam outdoors? It’s a decision that requires careful consideration, particularly since cats aren’t native to North America, and it can be dangerous out there. In this article, we’ll explore the pros and cons of allowing your kitty outdoor...
The smoke in our air from wildfires creates magnificent sunrises and sunsets, but it can bother cats and dogs. We’ve seen more pets with asthma-like symptoms in the past few weeks. Pets’ reactions to smoke are similar to what is seen in humans; their...
During the past week, we’ve seen eight dogs with foxtail awns lodged between their toes. The seeds act like a large splinter that a body considers “foreign,” causing a very painful and infected abscess. Dogs come to see us limping, licking their feet, with a swollen,...
Dogs exposed to Lyme disease have a 43 percent higher risk of developing kidney disease, according to a study from IDEXX. Ticks transmit the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Dogs, cats, and humans (along with many other animals) can become infected with Lyme disease...
Two of our dog patients recently tested positive for heartworm disease. That’s the first time we’ve seen this in over 10 years, so we wanted to provide you with some important information about what to watch for in your dog or cat. What is heartworm disease? Heartworm...
Before domestication about 3,000 years ago, Felis catus domesticus (our house cats) ate uncooked foods, including the innards of rodents, birds, fish, insects, snakes, and other reptiles. Outdoor cats still frequently imbibe in wild creature cuisine in its “natural”...