1. Rodent Poison If you have a mouse in the house, and you also have a dog, you’ll want to avoid putting mouse or rat poison out. Several chemicals commonly found in rat, mouse, and mole poisons can be deadly for dogs. Poisoning can take place directly, when a dog...
Wireless GPS pet fences are gaining popularity, as they offer a number of advantages over traditional wire fences. You’re probably familiar with “fences” that rely on a wire buried a few inches underground around the perimeter of your property. The buried wire carries...
Can you guess which day of the year pets get lost the most? July 5. The loud booms and shrieks of fireworks (and people) scare pets and they run off and can’t find their way home. Planning ahead is the key to a more enjoyable holiday for both you and your pet. In this...
It’s a very sad topic, but one that needs to be discussed – violence and abuse towards humans and animals often occur together. People who abuse animals are five times more likely to commit violent crimes against humans, according to a study by the Massachusetts...
Nearly 1,000 home fires each year are accidentally started by pets, according to The National Fire Protection Association. The number one culprit is a stove or cooktop, particularly a gas stove. Dogs are adept at turning on stove knobs, and cats spring onto...
A road trip with your pet can be fun for you and your furry friend. But one of the most common injuries to pets is due to accidents inside cars. Unrestrained pets in a car are unsafe. “You wouldn’t put your child in the car unrestrained, so you shouldn’t put...