Atlantic Veterinary Hospital Pet Care Corner

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Pet Care Corner

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Solar eclipse with the moon blocking the sun, showing a glowing corona around the edges and a lens flare effect

How the Solar Eclipse May Affect Your Pet

The Great American Eclipse is August 21, 2017. During the total solar eclipse, the moon will pass between the sun and Earth and block the sun entirely. In the Puget Sound region, we'll see it as a partial solar eclipse, beginning at 9:08 a.m. and ending...

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Close-up of an elderly brown dog

A Day in the Life of Bogey, a Typical Older Dog

The sun has been shining through the blinds for at least an hour now and the family has been busy getting ready for work and school. Bogey’s hips are sore from sleeping in one position all night and he knows getting up will be difficult, but Nature’s...

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A happy Corgi dog sitting on a vet examination table with a veterinary professional

What In The World Is Going On In Veterinary Care?

Every year, despite our efforts to remain as affordable as possible, costs for providing outstanding veterinary care increase. Pharmaceutical companies, pet food companies, and reference laboratories annually mark up their prices 8% or more (even during...

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Close-up of a brown and white cat sticking its tongue out

Keeping Cats Safe Outdoors

By Bubba the CatPublic Relations Officer Allowing us cats to roam outdoors is a decision that requires careful consideration. There are camps on both sides of the issue, passionate about their opinions regarding whether we cats should to be allowed to...

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A veterinarian examines the teeth of a beagle dog

February is National Pet Dental Health Month!

“Pets Need Dental Care Too” is a theme that has gained momentum over the past two decades as we’ve recognized that our furry family members need the same kind of attention to their dental health we do to ours. Benefits of Oral Health Besides improving...

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A Papillon dog standing on an examination table in a veterinary clinic

Please Excuse our “Dust” as We Go Greener!

In our continued efforts to improve our abilities to care for the needs of you and your pet, we are in the process of “going greener.” Starting in early November, we’ll begin our transition to electronic medical records and digital X-ray radiography, a...

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Orange and white cat with a collar lying down on a gray sofa

A Match Made in Heaven… Again

Three weeks ago Saturday I received a frantic call at 6 a.m. from my sister-in-law in Massachusetts. Early morning phone calls are never good news. As I picked up the receiver, a flush of dread washed over me. My SIL was so choked with emotion, it took...

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A colorful flyer promoting a furry-themed 5k run

Join Us at the Furry 5K This Sunday

This Sunday, June 10, marks the 13th Annual Furry 5k, a popular local event that’s an important fundraiser for the Seattle Animal Shelter. Held at nearby Seward Park, participants can walk or run (with or without their dogs) the 3-mile loop around the...

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A Labrador dog and a black and white cat lying together on a gray sofa, looking at the camera.

Create a Disaster Preparedness Plan for Your Pets

One year ago today a catastrophic tornado struck Joplin, Missouri, severely damaging or destroying a large number of homes, leaving pet owners and pets with no place to stay. Animal control officers were overwhelmed with more than 1,300 pets requiring...

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Close-up of several round chocolates

Chocolate Poisoning Requires Immediate Attention

Easter morning was a bit of disaster at my house. Jester, our black lab mix, helped himself to two 16-ounce milk chocolate bunnies from stocked baskets the Easter Bunny had mistakenly left on the couch, within easy reach of a dog nose. Fortunately,...

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