Atlantic Veterinary Hospital Pet Care Corner

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Pet Care Corner

Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital team.

A dog gazes up at a brightly lit Christmas tree adorned with colorful lights

Pets Light Up Our World

Light. We sure could use some this time of year! We go to work in the dark. We come home in the dark. We often walk our dogs in the dark. Light is an integral part of the traditions of Hanukkah and Christmas, both celebrated by many around the world,...

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A cat nestled among beautifully decorated Christmas tree

Of Cats and Christmas Trees

When I was 10 years old, our new kitten decided to conquer her personal Mount Everest, otherwise known as our Christmas tree. When she made it to the summit, however, our shouts of alarm caused her to unbalance the tree, which she rode to the floor in...

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A dog sitting at a table, and a plate of food in front of him

Don’t Feed Your Dog Holiday Food!

The day after Thanksgiving can be one of the busiest days of the year at: A) the local mall B) Atlantic Veterinary Hospital C) both of the above If you answered “C,” you’re right! Sadly, many family pooches also overindulge on Thanksgiving and we often...

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A stack of hats in multiple colors

Atlantic Veterinary Hospital Remodel Update

After nearly a year of exciting and intensive planning, we started a major remodel of the hospital on October 10. When we began planning, we envisioned adding additional exam rooms, space for our Veterinary Rehab and Acupuncture services, and maybe...

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A white cat lounging on green grass, enjoying a sunny day

How to Keep Your Cat Safe Outdoors

Did you know that domestic cats roam an average territory of 5 acres? That’s considerably larger than most people’s backyards (feral cats have even larger territories). Outdoor kitties tend to exhibit fewer behaviors that humans find objectionable, like...

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A person walking her dog on a leash

How to Take Advantage of Our ‘Green’ Discount

We are continually exploring ways to make Atlantic Veterinary Hospital more environmentally responsible. During our remodel (which started August 1), we are incorporating an all-new energy-efficient HVAC system, smart thermostats and lighting, and...

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A golden retriever with a bright smile

If Fleas Could Spit…

Did you know that a common allergy in dogs is caused by flea spit (aka, flea saliva)? It’s true. A flea’s saliva causes allergic dogs to become very itchy and puts them at high risk for secondary skin infections, hair loss, and pure misery. Some...

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A dog holding a stethoscope in its mouth while a cat stands side by side

Wellness Wednesdays Are Back!

Is your pet due to for important wellness care services? Preventive health care is one of the cornerstones of loving our furry family members. Give your pet the gift of a long, healthy life. Save $20* on the cost of wellness exams scheduled on...

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A person holds a small kitten in his hands.

Beautiful Catios Keep Kitties Safe and Happy

We've been recommending catios for years! Catios are attractive, outdoor cat enclosures designed to please both the cats and humans in the family. They allow cats to experience the physical and mental benefits of the outdoors while providing you with...

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Australian Shepherd dog with multi-colored fur and vibrant blue eyes

Why Does My Dog Chew?

Dogs use their mouths a lot like humans use their hands. Their sense of touch is experienced through their mouths; they love to chew on toys, treats, clothing, shoes, furniture, sticks, bones, etc. Some chewing is natural, such as when puppies are...

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A dog sniffing a vibrant cluster of red tulips in a garden setting

5 Ways to Give Your Dog Mental Exercise

Proper physical exercise for dogs is important to their overall physical and mental well-being. Environmental enrichment, or "mental exercise," is often overlooked, but just as important! In fact, at the Seattle Zoo, making sure animals have fun is...

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