Atlantic Veterinary Hospital Pet Care Corner
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Pet Care Corner
Check out the latest educational articles and tips from the Atlantic Veterinary Hospital team.
5 Steps to Introducing a New Kitten to Your Resident Cat
“My cat wants a kitten to play with!” Well… maybe. While your resident cat may be laid back and good-natured, all cats are territorial. Adding a tiny, frisky fluffball may trigger panic, jealousy, moodiness, aggression, and other negative behaviors in...
Why Are My Dog’s Eyes Red?
The causes of red, inflamed eyes in dogs vary considerably, from mild allergies to sight-robbing health conditions, to serious systemic infections. Red eyes can be a symptom of a serious systemic disease, so a complete physical exam and sometimes...
We Provide Physical Therapy and Rehab Therapy for Animals
Veterinary rehabilitation therapy is new and exciting field in which human physical therapy techniques are adapted to treat animals with debilitating and painful musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Rehab-certified veterinarians use an array of...
Pet Doesn’t Like to Travel? Let Us Come to You!
Does your pet get anxious when traveling to the vet? Does he have a medical condition that makes him difficult to transport? Do you have young kids at home, and don’t want to find a sitter for them while you take your pet to the vet? Or maybe you just...
4 Remedies for Hairballs in Cats
Did you know that cats spend up to a quarter of their day grooming themselves? Their rough tongues catch loose hair, which is swallowed and usually passes unnoticed through their GI tract. When a larger amount of hair has accumulated in the stomach,...
Why Smooshy-Faced Dogs and Cats Require Additional Dental Care
Smooshy-faced breeds of dogs and cats, technically called brachyocephalics, require additional dental care when compared to their longer-faced cousins. Frenchies, Pugs, Bostons, Boxers, English Bulldogs, Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos, Chihuahua, Chow Chow,...
Link Between Ticks and Kidney Disease in Dogs
Dogs exposed to Lyme disease have a 43 percent higher risk of developing kidney disease, according to a study from IDEXX. Ticks transmit the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. Dogs, cats, and humans (along with many other animals) can become infected...
How to Protect Your Pet from Heartworm Disease
Two of our dog patients recently tested positive for heartworm disease. That’s the first time we’ve seen this in over 10 years, so we wanted to provide you with some important information about what to watch for in your dog or cat. What is heartworm...
Dental Checkups and X-Rays: An Important Routine to Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Healthy
Dental check-ups and routine dental X-rays are necessary for a healthy mouth and to ensure your pet’s teeth are picture-perfect for a lifetime. During physical exams, we take a look in your pet’s mouth. However, a visual examination of your pet’s mouth...
Why is My Cat Suddenly Sneezing So Much?
A few sneezes a day is fairly normal, but when kitty sneezes consistently over a period of days, you may want to bring her to visit us, as she could have an upper respiratory infection. Causes of Sneezing While most sneezing in cats is caused by a viral...
‘Senior Cat’ Q and A with Dr. Laura Monahan
How to keep your cat's golden years golden Q: At what age is a cat classified as a senior? A: Keeping in mind that every cat is an individual, the “senior” status in cats has been described as cats 11-14 years of age (American Association of Feline...
5 Reasons to Test Your Cat for Diabetes
One of our least favorite diagnoses to make in cats is Type II diabetes. Feline diabetes is largely preventable and unnecessary. And, diabetes can be a real challenge to treat for many cat owners. Fortunately, Type II diabetes in cats is also one of...